Your Health, Your Wealth.
The year 2020 has been a time where many have had an opportunity to get in touch with themselves at depth and re-evaluate the paths they are on in their lives. In March 2020, COVID-19 hit Kenya and this was the beginning of long days for many. People lost jobs, some had to work from home, others got stuck in different locations for months unending. These days were indeed different, difficult, and even unbearable to so many.
Eventually, some of the restrictions were lifted and some people were able to go back to work. It seemed as though things had returned to normalcy. In these recent days, however, the cases of COVID-19 patients have been on the rise. People now know friends and family who have been infected unlike when we first began. It almost seems like the vigilance in handwashing, sanitizing, and social distancing has declined. That said, here are a few things to think about as we continue to get through these unfriendly days:
Category: Health